The Mind Is A Rascal Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

The Mind Is A Rascal

The Mind is a Rascal, it makes me fear
It robs my Bliss, it robs my Cheer
It makes me think, it is the King
But in fact, it causes my suffering
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

I have a Body, my Body I can see
But where is this Mind and Ego, that says 'me'?
It binds me with the myth, doesn't let me be free
Stops me from being who I am meant to be
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

What is the Mind, it is a bundle of Thoughts
And in these Thoughts, we are all Caught!
Who are we? This Truth, we forgot
Instead, stress, worry, anxiety is brought
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

You have touched your nose, you have pulled your ears
You see with your eyes, it also sheds tears
But have you ever seen your Mind?
It creates so much misery, it makes us grind!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, it jumps from Thought to Thought!
From Yesterday to Tomorrow, so Today, we forgot!
The MonkEY is Ever-Yelling, Ever-Yearning because of its tail
The EY of the MonkEY continues to make us fail
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind creates Negative Thoughts, locks us in NEP
From Negative to Positive, we must flip over to PEP
If we don't kill our Mind, it will bombard us with toxic Thoughts
And in misery and sorrow, we will be Caught
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Thoughts create Feelings, Feelings create Actions
It is the Mind that controls all our Reactions
If we don't control Thought, we will have a sad Destiny
From habits and addictions, we shall not be Free!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Our Mind not only spoils our day, when we are Awake
It creates Dreams and Nightmares, that are fake!
Although Dreams are not real, the Mind makes us Fear
We wake up with anxiety and lose all our Cheer
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Kill the Mind, before the Mind kills you!
Beware! This advice is absolutely True
If you don't Still the Mind and Kill the Mind
It will Kill your Peace, and Bliss you will not Find
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Although this world is nothing but a drama
It is the Mind that causes all the trauma
We must flip from Thought to Thoughtlessness
From a state of Mind to Consciousness
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is like the Phoenix that rises from its ashes
Although we kill our Mind, it returns and our Peace it snatches
We must replace our Mind with Intellect
Then we will Discriminate and be Free from what is incorrect
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, we must beware of its tail
EY that is Ever-Yelling and Yearning, and we fail
The Monkey starts to ride our Life-Horse
It rules over us, it becomes our Boss
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is not alone, with the Ego it is ME
It creates anger, hate and even jealousy
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, creates Karma
And we return in a Rebirth in this drama
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The funny thing is that there is no Mind
We seem to be the Body and the Mind we can't find
We must go on a Quest and Achieve the Goal
And Realize that we are the Immortal Soul
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Rascal, it steals our Peace
It makes us sick and mental medicine, increase
This enemy doesn't leave us from Birth to Death
And then, it returns in Rebirth, as we lose our Breath
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind Is A Rascal
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