AiR - Atman in Ravi

AiR - Atman in Ravi Poems

What's the use of crying, in a Yesterday that's gone?
What's the point of worrying, in a Tomorrow not yet born?
Why not live in bliss and joy and peace?
In the present moment be happy, be happy, can we please?

If Success was Happiness

Then achievers would be glad

I am not who I am!
I have a body, but am I the body?
I have a mind, but am I the mind?
I have an ego, but am I the ego?

There is a simple solution for World Peace
A way that the whole world must know
When we Overcome our Ignorance and Realize the Truth
Then we will peacefully enjoy the show

Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I? '
Then, there will be no need to cry

We all want to be Happy
We pray to God for bliss
But where does God truly live
This point we sadly miss

What is life all about?
Is it just pleasure, is it to scream and shout?
Is it success, that will ultimately burn out?
Or is it about Peace that we must look out?


Life is a mystery ‑ We can't track its history
It may seem to start at birth and seem to end at death
But what seems to be life's end…
is but a bend to transcend

Chicken or egg - what came first?
Can't find an answer that will quench my thirst.
"Of course, " said the chicken, "it was me.
Without me, how could the egg ever be? "

One day when life was full of peace

My mentor said something to tease
Who are you? Why are you here?

There is a 4th Factor on earth
It controls our life, it gives us birth
It is beyond what man can know
It has laws that manage the show

If we don't realize who we are and why we are here
If we are not happy and just live with stress and fear
If we come to earth and don't realize why we are given this birth
Then, can we say we lived? No, at best, we did exist

True Love is bliss, it's not just a kiss
It's sad this truth in life we miss
We sing and we dance
And we enjoy the romance

What is the true meaning of Yoga?
Is it an exercise of body and mind?
If you go on a quest, you will know this is a myth
What it truly is, you will find

The Ultimate Goal of Life MEN- Moksha Enlightenment Nirvana
What is the Ultimate Goal of Life?
Why this misery, why this strife?
We want happiness, but don't achieve our Goal

The whole world is in panic
The whole world is in fear!
They don't know what the truth is
But they are zapped with what they hear


What is the Soul, have you ever thought?  
Or is it a mystery in which you are caught?  
We all have a Soul, we seem to know 
Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

Nothing is real; it's a Cosmic Drama
We are just actors; we come and we go
There will be laughter; there will be tears
Such is the Cosmic Show…

I searched for God in temples
But nowhere was He found
I looked into the skies and waters
And everywhere on the ground

My mind is king; I thought it is everything!

It makes me blink; it makes me think
It gives me joy until I die

AiR - Atman in Ravi Biography

AiR — Atman in Ravi, is an Awakened Soul, Transformational Author, Singer, Philanthropist and Happiness Ambassador. He is on a mission to help people discover the way to Eternal Happiness through Enlightenment. AiR was an iconic entrepreneur who transformed retailing in India, only to walk away from the mega retail empire he had created. He shut down his business when he was 40 and started making a difference doing - Humanitarian, Inspirational and Spiritual work. AiR opened destitute homes known as AiR Humanitarian Homes spread across Bengaluru, that today, care for over 600 homeless and needy people. Like anybody else, AiR started his life being religious. He built a Shiva temple in 1995. Subsequently, inspired by his Guru, he realized that God lives in the temple of our heart and he changed the name of the temple to Shivoham Shiva temple. Now, he doesn't pray to Shiva but prays through Shiva, to SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that is nameless and formless, birthless and deathless, the Divine Power that is everywhere, in everything. His Realizations resulted in his own metamorphosis as he realized that we are the Soul, the Atman, a part of the Supreme Immortal Power. He let go of his given name and called himself AiR - Atman in Ravi, which means, the Soul embodied as Ravi. AiR, now, lives as an instrument of the Divine, doing His Divine Will. AiR has founded the AiR Institute of Realization to reach out to the global community of seekers. As a Happiness Ambassador, AiR teaches people the Happiness Secret that reveals the way to Eternal Peace, Love and Bliss. Based on his Realizations, AiR has authored over 80 books, composed and sung about 1450 Bhajans and written several blogs, quotes and poems. He conducts Spiritual Retreats and organizes talks to help people evolve on their spiritual journey. He is a TEDx speaker and is often invited to speak at several organizations, corporates and universities. He conducts daily webinars on Zoom, Facebook and Instagram Live to help people realize the Ultimate Purpose of life — Enlightenment. Connect with AiR - Atman in Ravi at: Website: You can directly WhatsApp AiR on +91 98451 55555)

The Best Poem Of AiR - Atman in Ravi

Be Happy In The Now!

What's the use of crying, in a Yesterday that's gone?
What's the point of worrying, in a Tomorrow not yet born?
Why not live in bliss and joy and peace?
In the present moment be happy, be happy, can we please?

Be happy in the NOW, this moment is a Gift
Smile and dance and celebrate, don't just exist or drift
It is in this moment, that we can choose to be happy and glad Let's not
lose this moment, to memories that make us sad

Yesterday is a place, that we just can't go
The past is an illusion, it's like a dream- a stage show
There is no way of being happy, in a moment that has passed
The only thing it will give us, regrets that will last

The future doesn't exist, it's just another dream
It looks so very real, as long as we worry and scream
How can we be happy in an illusion of the mind?
Let's wake up to the NOW, let's not be blind
Everybody wants to be happy, who doesn't want this gift?
Who doesn't want to enjoy their life with a lift?
Everybody wants pleasure, nobody wants pain
But they look for it in wrong places, stressed and in vain

Of course, we can be happy, in every moment of life
It's a choice for us to live, with happiness or strife
If we decide that we want bliss, joy, and peace
Then we must be happy before this moment will cease

Happiness is not only becoming a millionaire in this world
Are the rich the only ones happy? See this truth unfold
There are many who are fulfilled and content in life
Though they have little, they are happy and they smile

What's the secret of happiness? It's being happy in the NOW
Not shuttling from the past to the future, we must not go
We must learn to remain in the present moment with ease
Then bliss, joy, and happiness will blow like the breeze

Our mind is like a monkey, it jumps here and there It doesn't let us be happy, it wanders like a hare
If we truly want happiness, turn the monkey into a monk Being in the present moment fixed like a tree runk
The way to joy is ‘Surrender', to the Lord's divine will
Not living with hope and expectations, not worrying about bills
The future will unfold, as per the Lord's divine plan It's for us to be happy, whatever comes in our pan

Why live in regrets, of the past that's already gone
It's the Master's wish that happened, why regret all that's done?
The way to joy is to accept the Lord's divine will And not curse and nurse, and rehearse every ill

Happiness is simple, if we learn to live in the NOW
Joy and bliss are possible, for those who go with the now It's not in the
future, nor in the past, but in the present
We must realize that happiness happens moment by moment

Be happy in the NOW, that's the only way to be
Don't be worried in tomorrow, to there we cannot see
Don't rehearse the past that's dead and gone
Be happy in this moment, as if we were just born

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