The Mirage Mystery Poem by anurag chaudhary

The Mirage Mystery

Once upon a time the river used to have a sibling
They both used to play games and dribblings
Oh! but did I tell u her name
That’s why masses call me lame
Yeah! So she was called the mirage
And the two sisters used to live in the city of sirage

They loved each other so much
Always joy blossomed through their hutch
It was of the times when there were no deserts
No camels, rats or lizards
There was greenery all over
Until the Satan took over

The sea in the south wished to wed the mirage someday
The river always kept the evil minded away
She dint wished the pretty and the innocent to be caught
In the plans of the sea whom once the devil bought

The mirage always played till dark
Roaming in the places too stark
The river did her daily job
And seldom returned before the day wore his black rob

One fine eve when the elders were out
Children playing under sun the game of scouts
The mirage was on the duty to hide
When the devil made his stride
he turned into an enchanter too friendly
asked the little girl for a wish eagerly
the poor creature got excited
her mind now really incited
the sky went grey
the clouds started to fray
It was the sign of things to come
The lady was thinking of her wish in mum
Right away as she was enchanted
She said the words the devil just wanted
She asked to hide her such that nobody could catch her
The devil smirked and enchanted this to occur
She vanished still visible
When the children searched for her
they could see of course but touching her was now impossible
Suddenly came a storm full of sand
Surrounding sirage’s whole land
The river was informed by some kid
She hastily made the skid
But did she reach in time!
Or the poor mirage had already hidden forbidden in desert with her lips mimed!
If the former had been that happening
Would it be called a tragedy so saddening?

Since the day the river is still flowing to get to her sibling
Since then she hasn’t stopped babbling
And her sister caught for eternity
In the catastrophe called as the mirage mystery

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