The Opulent Playgrounds On The Moon Poem by Robert Rorabeck

The Opulent Playgrounds On The Moon

Prayer flags in the tassels and salvos of bad weather:
And I am the only one in my family that got up high enough to
Ever have to believe in them:
Summating the green summit with the yellow background
And somewhere way down there a sommelier selling wine
And nursing her just born child:
And then all of the night alone in the hotel masturbating as
Succulent as honey with scars on my face,
And the cars telling the hours on the road outside:
While all through them I just kept doing this, keeping some
According to myself, and trying to start a fire with the singular
Vibrations of whatever familiar friction that I knew:
While Alma had crossed the frontera and settled down,
Pregnant with Michael, herself safe and warm in the world,
Her soul surrounded by a wilderness of family that swore to
Protect her as the wolves smiled at her naked trees;
Until finally I climbed down from the forbidden heavens, recognizing
Her- tired off peeping in at the nubile stewardesses behind their
Flighty transoms always on the move:
And I loved her, and called her up my throat like blood from a
Yet vanquishing wound: and maybe she answered and swam to me
For a little while, but gave up- her immaculate body so tired and brown:
But she loved me anyways, I guess- back in the old neighborhood
That she called me to- and played with me and bought me things
Until I was finally a fireman hung outside, exhausted,
Letting the kitten climb up its exasperating trees as it tried once more
To suck the wonderful paps of the opulent playgrounds on the moon.

Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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