The Planetary Rapists Poem by A L KIRSCHBAUM

The Planetary Rapists

Would you be willing to help this planet Earth

From the tips of her poles to her steamy girth

Her inhabitants batter her every square foot

Covering her with harmful gases, waste and soot

Cutting through her crust to exploit the riches within

Never bothering to make a mend to this fragile skin

Always looking down, never looking forward or back

Her minerals and her oceans are always under attack

Every venture for profit is fully exploited and explored

They have drilled holes in the ocean's floor and onto the surface they

have allowed oil to pour

Looking at the unrepairable damage that these carpetbaggers inflict

Would make any conscientious citizen in his stomach to be sick

But can any person or group keep this ongoing rape from occurring

With money for votes into politician's pockets the flow does keep


Who's going to stop these greedy Earth rapists

They sell what they are doing with an arguable twist

They say that without these jewels that they mine

Earth's inhabitants would not be so fine

It is their money that takes the risks

So they are not obligated to make any fix

The governments around the world feed their every desire

If it weren't profitable, they wouldn't bother to recycle

a single tire

Their enterprises pollute our oceans, rivers and streams

They would argue that this is necessary to fill everyone's dream

But without the support of governments they would have to accomplish

their deeds

In a way that wouldn't pollute the air killing birds and bees

They would have to accomplish their goal of making billions

Without destroying the Earth's acres by the millions

Obviously there has never been any sensible entity in charge

To steer the fulfillment of man's needs and dreams

Saying that the end justifies the means to accomplish goals

that are large

What does the provider of these resources think

about our nefarious schemes

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: earth
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