The Problem With Being Poor. Poem by John KENT

The Problem With Being Poor.

If you're wanting some money

and you need it real quick

then I have an idea

that is really quite slick,

just forget all your bills

save your money instead,

and in a very short time

you'll be light-years ahead.

Now I realize, of course

there is one minor glitch,

that if everyone did it

we'd all soon be rich,

but if everyone's rich

there'd be no need to work,

there'd be nothing to do

and every job we would shirk.

With no one out working

every thing would soon stop,

there'd be no one producing

not a single wheat crop,

no turf would be turned

no crops would be seeded,

there'd be no one to sell us

the things that we needed.

We'd have lots of money

and we'd all be content,

but the loss of all jobs

we would greatly lament,

'cause if everyone's rich

and if no one is poor,

then who do we get

to do the jobs we abhor?

It wouldn't take long

before we understood,

that a vault full of money

won't do us much good,

for what good is money

when there's nothing to buy,

when there's no one to sell it

all demand - no supply.

So I thought and reflected

on how things would be,

if all of mankind

were rich equally,

and I'm left with the notion

that poor people are needed,

otherwise how will the rich know

when they have succeeded! ?


Sunday, September 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Gajanan Mishra 03 September 2017

no one to sell us, right

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