The Reality Of Life Poem by Shelomith Noarbe

Shelomith Noarbe

Shelomith Noarbe

San Jose, Sipalay, Negros Occidental, Philippines

The Reality Of Life

The preacher, during this senseless life, have seen everything
Everything including a nation dies for being right
Everything including immoral lives to his prime
Destroy yourself not for being too good or acting you know it all
Destroy yourself not for being too evil or acting as a major deceiver
Stay on the right track
Stay on the midpoint of life
Trust God and there’s nothing impossible
Be sensitive
Be wise
Then you’ll be tougher than those powerful leaders
You are not alone
I am not alone
Not a single person in this world always does right
Heard not those things every person says,
Everyone cursed everybody
Haven’t you cursed your neighbor as well?
Be smart
Try to understand life’s entire question
Life is the hardest lesson
In every question, an answer is too much
Too much to understand
Therefore, study everything you can understand
Learn from every lesson
Be wise enough to discover what life is all about.
Ask yourself why it is stupid and senseless to be an evil fool
Understand the answers
God created us with honesty
But we end up with twisted minds
No one is smart enough to explain all life’s questions
Just be wise
It makes you cheerful and gives you a smile

(Inspired from: The Book of Ecclesiastes 7: 15-29; 8: 1 CEV)

Shelomith Noarbe

Shelomith Noarbe

San Jose, Sipalay, Negros Occidental, Philippines
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