The Rose Poem by Dorris DeLacy Mingo

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Dorris DeLacy Mingo

Dorris DeLacy Mingo

Capitol Heights, Maryland, USA

The Rose

One of the greatest gifts to mankind is to be blessed and honored
To receive his flowers and see them while he yet live.
To see their beauty and to smell the sweet aromatic fragrance
That they give! Today, I see my flowers, which are many and are in clusters
In all colors and of numerous kinds, which makes my inner joy,
Truly difficult at this very moment to define. Looking upon my flowers as I meditate in gratitude and pray,
My eyes are drawn to keep focusing on the very center, day after
Day after day. Where there I see a bright and beautiful "Rose". Mysteriously around it are numerous blossoms, which all seem
To be open wide and gathered with one pressed against the other
From the top, the bottom and side. But the "Rose" with all
Its splendor and beauty, proudly stands alone, looking fragile
Yet sturdy supported by its firm stem and gentle thorns. As in silence I listen in wonderment, my eyes which are closed
Yet they oft times may shed a tear. It is then that I seem to
Hear a voice deep within me whisper these questions, "Who"
Promised to always be with you and that "He" would always keep
You in his care? As patiently I wait, the voice again speaks to me, "My child,
Rejoice, be jubilant and eternally grateful too. Accept and
Admire your flowers, as you smell of the sweet fragrance that
They give, as fresh as the morning dew. It also tells me this
Precious moment for me is, to be remembered and treasured for
As long as I shall live". For your flowers are not just from anyone! Believe it because
It is true. For you have been blessed to be one of those whom
God has chose and upon you this great honor He has bestowed! My heart replies "Thank you Lord". Then with joy my face
Reflects a glowing smile, as the Holy Spirit reveals to me,
That the "Beautiful Rose" which I see in the center, is the
"Mighty Rose of Sharon". Yes, it is "He"! The Rose! which is
The center of my joy.

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Dorris DeLacy Mingo

Dorris DeLacy Mingo

Capitol Heights, Maryland, USA
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