The Scream Of The Butterfly Poem by Fab Ricciardi

The Scream Of The Butterfly

Listen carefully to the silent scream of the butterfly.

Frightening sounds of inaudible silence,
Creeping slowly through metamorphic existence
Deleted by horrified shrieks of pleasure and glee.

Hard to believe that creating a world without boundaries
Might be easier to imagine, or maybe, harder to,
With just a pair of graffiti mirrored wings.

A world without boundaries becomes a world possessed.

Possessed by unjustified truths and lies,
Spoken by incredulous liars and fortunetellers.
How many dreams and unforeseen truths
Are left behind when this world comes to an end?

These are the moments when one finally
Realizes his impotence towards mankind.
The screaming butterfly comprehends at this moment, that it too,
Has become enslaved, trapped into the truth of day to day life, and
That nothing could, would, or ever will matter in this insignificant
Time warp called, Life, or, Love, or just, simple Existence.

Can you hear my scream?

Expecting more should not be such a quiet, destructive wish.
The paradox of our existence lies in each one of our lives,
Where absolutely nothing entraps our thoughts, and allows us into
The open mindedness of nothing like we’d ever seen before.
How else could I explain this unforgivable excuse for personhood?
Why do I have to spreads my wings and expand my wisdom
To allow other mindless executioners’ freedom?

Can you hear my scream?

Never before have I felt so empty, so drained out of my world,
And, even thirsty. I do not wish to fly anymore.

An absolute unforgiving world that even its own Creator
Stands stunned and dumbfounded, silently screaming.
Watching his creation, his domain, crumbling,
Right in front of His eyes, self-destructing into oblivion,
Jaded by the dubious reality,
The Screaming

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