The Stoics Way Poem by Franklin M Kline

The Stoics Way

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To practice stoicism is to live with reason
To face the world with courage and grace
To not be swayed by pleasure or treason
To find contentment in your own place

To have silent goals is to work with passion
To pursue your dreams without a fuss
To not seek fame, fortune or fashion
To let your own actions speak loud enough

To be altruistic is to care for others
To help the weak, poor, broken and those in need
To not be selfish, indifferent, snide or smug
To share your gifts and talents with the meek

To be authentic is to be true to yourself
To not pretend, lie or be fake
To not conform, compromise or cheat
To stand by your own values and beliefs

To have self respect is to honor your dignity
To not degrade, harm or abuse yourself
To not let others treat you poorly
To love yourself as much as you love anyone else

To be modest is to be humble, and polite
To not boast or brag or show off
To not think of yourself as superior or always right
To acknowledge your flaws and your faults

To proclaim your own righteousness and greatness on social media
And to post about how you are so real or never fake
Is only a sign of your insecurities and ego
And it is only a mask that hides your own mistakes

The stoic's way is the way of wisdom and virtue
The way of peace, happiness and truth
The way of living well and doing good
The way of being human and being you

'To Thine Own Self Be True'

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