The Suit Poem by Nathy Chabangu

The Suit

A man taken in or a suit left behind? Whichever one is it?
You decide!
Door opened man unleashed, pass found, embarrassed they were,
Ashamed she felt; separation and isolation begun.
In pain she silently suffered
In anguish she befriended sorrow since that was all she had and knew
All she was ever good for after that fateful day was a mere conversation comprising a word or two!
Pass me the salt he would at times gently yell
and knowing she had wronged him sometime back,
she would oblige and pass him the salt.
Not wanting to be isolated any longer she would make small talks
but for he was never interested he would pull a straight face
and continue with his meal.
Like a pride of lions feasting on their kill he would
not say a word more during his meal.
A man taken in or a suit left behind enough was enough!
She had decided that tomorrow at dawn all would come to a complete "halt"
Like a normal day he would sit there have his meal
but on this particular day she silently slipped into the other room
and hung herself to death.
In suffocation she kicked and screamed not for his help
but for she was going to suffer no more.
A man taken in or a suit left behind?
Whichever one is it you decide!

This is a poem about a black woman back in the dark days, when the husband would go to work and she would remain behind. One day the husband forgot his Pass (Identity document-present day) which he was required to carry with him everywhere he went, he went back home to fetch it and to his surprise he found his wife in bed with another man. The man ran and left his suit behind upon seeing the husband of his girlfriend.
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