The Way To Salvation Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The Way To Salvation

Who is yet lost and who is found?
Who to The Truth is blind?
Who’ll get to walk on Holy Ground?
Who’ll get the facts to find?

How do we live why do we die?
Just who is in command?
Is there a God who dwells on high
And are we in His hand?

Once; the mystery of life was sealed
Men wandered round like sheep
But now that secret’s been revealed
And Truth is ours to keep

There is a God no eye can see
Both hell and Heaven’s true
Eternal life for each is free
Who’s spirit’s born anew

Who’s heart believes Christ came to earth
To die upon a tree
Who’s word can lead to second birth
Who’s blood can set us free

The bible’s here for all to read
Salvation starts within
Wherein God’s word is like a seed
From which all things begin

To each on earth God gives a choice
Through which we stand or fall
Through which we’ll grieve or we’ll rejoice
When Jesus makes His call

Salvation starts and ends with Christ
Life’s ever flowing stream
For this God’s Son was sacrificed
For this He’ll reign supreme

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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