The Wicked Witch Poem by Sharon Ashworth

The Wicked Witch

She lives in the darken shadows of an old mill
Out in the middle on nowhere, if you will
There is a secret path that leads to the old home
But you should never walk it at night, alone
Those who have tried
Were found crucified
They say she is a wicked witch that lives alone there
And those that live nearby, should have a care
She roams the woods at night
On her broom she takes flight
She hunts for the weak and the lost
Takes their soul and their body tossed
Those that happened to be found
Their stare is blank as they lay on the ground
Forever frozen in a zombie state
Nothing to do but wait
How can their soul be returned?
To break the spell, the witch must be burned
We must protect our loved ones
Before the completion of her spell can be done
Prepare for the ceremony, she must burn at the stake
Tonight of the full moon, before she has another chance to take
Another life put under her spell
Those we love and know so well
We must put a stop to this madness
That which as brought us so much sadness
The fire is lit and slowly it burns
As they wait for the witches turn
She approaches the fire dressed all in white
Let us put an end to this terrible night
She spoke not a word
Is she was crying, no one heard
As the fire ravaged her body, you could hear her scream
It's those screams that will forever haunt our dreams

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