The World Is Not Bad Poem by Javed Khan

The World Is Not Bad

The train slowed down as it stopped at station
I stepped on to the platform
Lot of hustle and bustle
Hundreds of people waiting for train
I was pouring some liquid down my throat as...
I saw...
A boy around ten, in torn scraps of clothes selling newspapers, running after two men with newspaper in hand
'Sir please take one. It's just two Rupees'
They laughed, making fun of his clothes.
He continued requesting...
They jabbed him in the ribs away and continued to walk...
He tried once more,
and got thrown to the floor...
He was lying there, hurt...
I rushed and helped him get up
He was bleeding on the right elbow...
'Bloodies! ' was all I could grumble out.
'Please, don't say that' I heard his sweet voice
I looked at him surprisingly
'People are a bit worried and unhappy still... the world is not bad.'
I was speechless, continued to stare at his face.
'May God bless them happiness' He said softly as he got up, collected his newspapers and left....
I was watching him going away...
That day,
This poor boy, who is not even counted as human being in this world, taught me a lesson
which a millionaire couldn't learn throughout his lfe.......

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