There Used To Be Light Poem by Jennifer L. Augustine

There Used To Be Light

Friends can be more cruel than your worst enemy,
Especially women I have come to see.
Sure they are there when you need to talk,
But stab you in the back when you turn to walk.

When a 'friend' comes between you and your mate,
Everyone wonders why you are irate.
When he'd rather be by her side at night,
All hope is lost and you give up the fight.

Soon you are numb to all things near,
Feelings and dreams become very unclear.
What once was so good, so pure and so true,
Is now gone to someone who was a friend to you.

Though revenge seems so sweet and you wish her ill,
The void in your heart it's unable to fill.
So you go on in the dark where there used to be light,
Knowing that none of it will ever be right.

Take the advice from someone who knows,
Even though life can deal some hard blows.
Get up and move on and try not to look back,
Time heals all wounds if you give it some slack.

~ Jon London ~ 03 May 2008

I felt this write, and its true that we all hope to find and keep people in our lives that we can trust, rely..and help no matter what. Sometimes these very people that you have spoken of hide behind false smiles, that remind us how ugly life can be. Good poem, and well thought out. Jon

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