These Hands Poem by Collin Gunter

These Hands

These hands have felt you
Caressed you
Held you
Fed you
Brushed your hair
Stroked your cheek
Rubbed your back
Made you weak
Made you strong
Pulled you close
Wiped your tears
Cared the most
Squeezed your hands
Touched your heart
Sparked your mind
Showed you art

These hands miss you
These hands get you
They miss doing
What his hands get to

His hands in all the places mine once were
Invasive, prodding unwelcome, unsure

His hands won't do what my hands did
His hands will sell out to the highest bid
His hands don't care like mine once would
But you chose his hands because they looked good

These hands hurt when his hands hit you
These hands wish that they could be with you
Fixing, healing, mending your wounds
These hands could retrieve what his hands consumed

But now these hands stay here and wait
Watching your downfall, your inevitable fate
These hands don't want that
His hands don't care
These hands could help
His wouldn't dare

These hands are stuck on you like inescapable glue
Hung up on someone who hasn't the slightest clue
These hands miss your hands but his hands own yours
These hands call for you but your hand ignores

Friday, July 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: desire,heartbreak,love,pain
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