Things Fall Apart Poem by Martin Greyford

Things Fall Apart

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Will I see.......
Or must we stay apart,
Condemned by destiny?

Shall there be no more meetings face to face?
Must all my days be veiled in constant night?
Shall we no more be caught in love's embrace by a new morning's light?

As the night's dark hours flt by
May I not hold you tight,
My blood on fire
Gaze at you,

With languid,
Longing eye
And tremble with desire

And then
In joy beyond all speech or measure,
Listen to your sweet lisp
Your gentle eye
And drowse through pleasing night to waking pleasure.

Just we two
You and I?
And you want to throw it all away
Just like that.

Things are falling apart
And you can't really see it
For after love and fear
There's pride

After tears
The night;
After all the words are gone
A chair with just one light.

Memories, dreams
That you will come home after
The happiness
Of thinking of your love.

The anger and the pain,
The passions and the promises.
O! That is what is left of me
A stone no thought can move.

There's nothing but my love for you
Which waits upon the wind
To bring you from the barricades
That now you must defend.

Things have fallen apart
For you think, our love might be a tomb
The only exit through the pain.

Saturday, December 4, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: alfred lord tennyson,affinity and love
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