This Dark Sinfulness Poem by Boston Kelley

This Dark Sinfulness

The world is shrouded in darkness
for it lives in the minds and hearts of
Immorality runs rampant as purity is a scarce
Wickedness continues to abound unending
overwhelming the forces of righteousness.
Reason seems to lost to people's minds as
they are governed by their sweetening, evil
Evil compels people to do immoral things
without a care for their fellow man's well-being.
Why must this be? Why could man be such a
sinful creature?
Like the black night, evil covers the globe,
overcoming the light of day.
Nothing can stop it or prevent it since it's grip
has already been established.
People kill mercilessly and slaughter fellow members
of their species.
In cold blood, they find wicked joy that is unequalled.
People take what belongs to others and steal
possessions to add to their own wealth.
They only think of themselves and desire to add
to their own by taking from others.
People insult and disrespect their fellow man.
Their contempt for others is as infinite as the universe
Those who walk in righteousness are shunned
for their morality.
Those who choose to do what is right and pure
are persecuted for their good deeds and hated
for being 'Goody-Two-Shoes'.
Why must evil things happen to good people?
What respect is left for those who do the right thing?
The world has fallen into utter depravity with uncleanliness
surrounding it on all sides.
The righteous venture out into the world, preaching
doctrines of peace and purity, but are turned away
because people pursue their own self-interests.
Self-interest has sired division as governments roil
with toil from divided thoughts.
How can there be governments when people are so
What is a 'representative democracy' when those elected
care only for themselves?
Even righteousness is found very little here.
The unrighteous push against the righteous, making
them ask 'Why must bad things happen to good people? '
When will those who do evil experience retribution?
Even justice has become perverted as people of different
color experience harsher punishment and vengeance and favoritism abound without limits.
See how a black man serves a longer and more severe
sentence than a white man!
Further sinfulness is seen in the daily lives of ordinary people.
Families separate and hold deep hatred for each other.
Parents abuse and disrespect their children, scarring them
for life.
Like a knife, a wedge is drawn between husband and wife
as they refuse to find common ground.
Husbands abuse their spouses and pursue extra-marital
Women are left to care for their families alone.
Lust abounds in the eyes of people as they lie down with
anyone they meet.
They have no boundaries for such physical intimacy!
They do not respect what it was originally made for!
Those with weaker forms are oppressed by the strong,
who do not desire to defend the defenseless.
Fear consumes minds as people are too afraid to
experience worldly life.
Who is safe in these dark ages?
Every sort of evil runs free like a child skipping through
an open meadow while goodness struggles to climb
from the hole evil has pushed it into.
Goodness has become as valuable as gold and silver
while stones of evil can be found on an ordinary street.
Why has purity become something repulsive?
Why must people reject what is good?
Look upon this dark world and see it for its sinfulness.
How could you not look at it with cynicism or sadness?

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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