Though Time Has Gone By Poem by Starrbox Munoz

Though Time Has Gone By

If I had a time machine, would you go back in time with me?
If I could change what happened between us, would you love me?
If there was a way to erase the past, would it have changed anything?

There's not a single day I wonder about you
There's not a single minute I think of you
There's not a single moment I wish that I'd still be with you

You've faded as time has passed by
But your still engraved in my mind
I pressed delet in my memory
But you're like a spam e-mail that won't erase
I tried to forget you
But it's kinda hard 'cos I still want you

It funny how it hasn't changed for me
I'm still stuck in a hole & I'm still miserable
I'm still yearning for the thought of you
I'm still pondering about the 'What If? '

It's kinda irritating to not being able to let go
It's kinda sad that I still think of you from time to time
It's kinda depressing knowing that your still alive
It's kinda appalling that I sometimes see your face
It's kinda lame that I try to be your friend
But don't blame me... it's just that you stole my heart that first day at the park
And it's quite hard for me to figure out how to put the parts of my heart back into place

There's absolutely no way I can deny that I still linger in those old memories
There's no way to acquit those ancient feelings that are veiled within me
There's no way that I can refuse to admit the truth... I still covet you as a deity

Starrbox Munoz

Starrbox Munoz

Sunny California
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