Time We Never Poem by jim hogg

Time We Never

Another time another place
An unexpected face to face
Emotions primed, the evening warm,
some kind of beauty holding on

The shadows of a pub porch light
on lavish youth and surging tide
Her very name, her breath, her sigh
I ran but never told her why

You ask how much, how deep, how long
It was no ordinary storm
and life felt like it must explode
in waves that washed away the shore
but here it's just the wind and me
some aging faces and the sea

And now this heart's in quarantine
I'm hunting hours in floods of years
to stretch them out forever in
this busted cage I locked us in

For now it's much too late to shed
the spans of time we never spent
I said goodbye on some back road
as if I could just let her go

You ask how much, how deep, how long
It was no ordinary storm
and life felt like it must explode
in waves that washed away the shore
but now it's just these memories
and aging faces in the breeze

But we're not tamed or framed within
those moistened lips, that ancient ship
for all around us not a trace
just rusting leaves and shrinking space

The Old Mill Lounge closed long ago
the spot we parked on, overgrown
Yon little stream flows just the same
past where the wheel once milled the grain

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: history
Jim Hogg 20 August 2020

Thanks, Darcy, for another gracious comment. I'm sure we're not...

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Darcy 16 July 2020

This is my youth. This is the one that went away. I am sure we’re not the only ones with regrets.

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