~~title-Less~~ Poem by WaitingFor SomethingNew


the pain kills more then any
life be comes worthless
not even worth a penny
your skys become lifeless
no more do the birds sing their song
you can't even truely smile
but you still act like nothing is wrong
even though you know nothing will be the same for awhile
and the smile becomes your mask
the one that hides the pain
you loose it to fast
and everything just seems plain
why most life be so unfair?
why most it kill so bad
why can we only go but so far
how do expect us to go to bed
when all we can think about
is the pain that this so called life brings
and we end up living in doubt
knowing that everything just comes to an ending
no matter how hard we try
we can never hold on
...life will just die...
but we are expected to just live on;
just live on with this pain
that life has handed us
we get to the point that we live for pain
no point at all to fuss
but why most we loose it all at one time?
just when we find something that makes life iight...

why must life take what was mine
...why most it take my light? ? ? ?

B3@utiful Dis@st3r 12 January 2009

wow great poem and so very true i luv it

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