To dissolve into the night air
Is the course that bests befits now;
Clear is the night
And from below
The wave less sea murmurs in its sleep
No cloud this night obstacles the moon
To shine on the sad port all languidly.
And now
And now
Will I into a ghost dissolve
Dissolve for aye, immortal be
Without the arm of science
And in the morning air
Sailing in cloudless serenity
Will I see dawn
As human eye sees not.
This is a very seductive poem. It makes the dissolution into a state of somnolence that is virtually complete and lasting seem so natural. And effortless. But there is no doubt this means giving up one's human identity. It's clearly stated in the closing lines the sleeper will INTO A GHOST DISSOLVE and no longer have a human's sensory apparatus.Oh My! I don't think I can follow you on this spiritual journey. It's regression and I want transcendence. My favorite American writers are the TRANSCENDENTALISTS (Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller)
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This is a very seductive poem. It makes the dissolution into a state of somnolence that is virtually complete and lasting seem so natural. And effortless. But there is no doubt this means giving up one's human identity. It's clearly stated in the closing lines the sleeper will INTO A GHOST DISSOLVE and no longer have a human's sensory apparatus.Oh My! I don't think I can follow you on this spiritual journey. It's regression and I want transcendence. My favorite American writers are the TRANSCENDENTALISTS (Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller)