Sleep, sleep, my sweet one sleep
Let the film of Morpheus come
Like a veiled mist
And visit your eye-lids
A mantle of colored amethyst
Over the port to slowly glide seems
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Like passing clouds
A barge mysterious in the thick of night
Sailed slowly to the somber shore
Beneath the ramparts of the dreaming fort
How silent how austere how still
The evening was in
And a cluster of nightingales
In competition
Send us Minerva a wiser man than me
I dreamt to humanity of Immortality
Of Body plus of Soul already:
Send us great goddess from your head
You have
To stretch your hands
My Monsignor
The roof of the gilt cavern
Carry the wreaths away
For they shall dry
And wipe your eyes enow
For they shall dry
In the waters
Beauty glides
In the waters
Draws in tides
The Figure of a Priest
with purple surplice
wandered in the heavens
‘O let me tell you, ’
Said the old white beard
And he sighed
And he groaned
To dissolve into the night air
Is the course that bests befits now;
Clear is the night
And from below
Emmanuel George Cefai born on the 12th March 1955 in Victoria, Gozo, Malta is a Maltese philosopher and poet who published first a number of philosophical critiques in the Daily News (in past years and formerly a daily newspaper in Malta) and where Cefai himself developed his own philosophical system. Cefai wrote the poems published in Poem Hunter chiefly between 2004 and 2006. Emmanuel George Cefai graduated as Doctor of Laws from the Faculty of Laws in the University of Malta in 1977. The lyrical poems of Cefai contain a variety of emotions, from joy to sadness, from elation to depression, as well as deep thought and verses of sheer beauty. Cefai can indeed be called a poet of beauty, he is also a consummate depicter of human emotions. His poems are mainly in blank verse, but nevertheless demonstrate a musical rhythm almost throughout. Cefai began writing philosophy in about 1977 at the early age of 22 composing around those times his only philosophical work published to date, a work named The Spirit of Metaphysics. In this short but seminal-intentioned work Cefai embarked on a new philosophy and science and the resultant reform in the methodologies, history and discoveries of civilization very much in the same way as Bacon had done centuries before. In this work Cefai also brought together Philosophy and Science, put forth revolutionary reforms like the elimination of the gap between actual and potential, theory and fact, hypotheses and science. Not only that but Cefai in a part of this work for perhaps the first time in history described the arising of life processes from non-living processes. Cefai went on to write scientific papers bearing revolutionary and landmark proposals like the elimination and engineering of Death and disease and the establishment of Immortality. In fact Cefai has written about a hundred of these scientific papers and these appeared in the learned site of and also in the site of Cefai himself at Weebly.Com. These papers are apart from papers in the two scientific e-books Fifty Scientific Papers and Sixty Scientific Papers. In the note to this work Cefai declares that he has still as yet in draft form unpublished works in drama, epic and longer poetry, sociology, economics, politics, philosophy of law, philosophy of logic, philosophy of metaphysics, philosophy of aesthetics, ethics and other branches of philosophy and of civilization including more revolutionary and landmark scientific proposals. This Note runs as follows: ‘….Besides this work I have put forth other works but which I still have in draft form and wish to put forth other works in almost all branches of civilization including in drama, epic and longer poetry, sociology, economics, mathematics, politics, philosophy of law, philosophy of logic, philosophy of metaphysics, philosophy of aesthetics, philosophy of education, philosophy of history, philosophy of religion, ethics and other branches of philosophy and of civilization including more revolutionary and landmark scientific proposals. In a particular draft scientific work I overturned the laws of Newton, put forth an ever-expanding universe eliminating the Big-Bang Theory in the process and explaining the origin of things as per my draft work On the Ultimate Origination of Things. In another work I explained step by step and through precise scientific methodologies the origin of living processes and also how these processes can be originated. Much of my life has been devoted to the reforming and furthering of our present civilization; the civilization of this, our planet, that I love so much….’)
Sleep, Sleep, My Sweet One Sleep
Sleep, sleep, my sweet one sleep
Let the film of Morpheus come
Like a veiled mist
And visit your eye-lids
And in the airs around
Invisible a sweet sylph sings
A lulling lullaby.
Sleep, sleep, my sweet one sleep
And woes forget and ills
And wrongs and plots
And treacheries:
Like a veiled mist
Dreams are falling through
Falling thro’ your eye-lids thick
With the lead of Morpheus awhile
A sylph doth sing
A lulling lullaby.
Sleep, sleep, my sweet one sleep
And think of day and night
And dusk and dawn
And even
As one film images pass
Along your eyes a-dreaming
A sylph doth sing
A lulling lullaby.
Your figure of the Poet Seer is one of my favorites! The Poet Seer makes only a brief appearance in THE NIGHT IS NEAR, a kind of cameo, but he affirms an attitude toward experience (later verified by the Angel) which is one of your recurring themes: each individual has a required journey to make, and s/he must provided their own knowledge, commitment and energy to complete it. This is not a community-based endeavor; it is an individual's responsibility to fulfill it. I think I'm reading the poem correctly in coming to this conclusion: If individuals shirk their responsibilities and sink into the mass of people, then the symbolic night will descend on humanity and blot it out. There's a choice to be made, and then a challenge to be met.
The five-line poem which begins THOSE VERSES WERE AS OF THE NIGHT/NOT OF THE DAWN could be a general summary of one major dimension of your POETRY, that is, it is a nocturnal vision rather than a daylight one. This suggests a whole range of consequences that your individual poems explore, for example, the symbolic passage of the barge in the first poem of yours which I read: a purely daylight consciousness could not do justice to such a poem; a night-inflected consciousness is required. I recently finished writing a long poem (200 lines) which reaches closure with these lines: I believed in another/life running parallel/to the world's. It is/written in the book of moonlight. Like many of yours, my lines are verses...of the night. Our two imaginations have found common ground in the night-realm.
One Brilliant Mind trying to encompass All creativity large and small. An amazing mind and soul!
I have read your poems, but they are pedestrian, ungrammatical, poor English. Better stick with your profession, the law. A waste of my time, sorry.
I have just finished reading 30 of your poems. You claim in your biography that most of your work is done in blank verse, but of those 30 poems, only one was CLOSE to being blank verse! Do you really even know what blank verse is? This makes me believe that most of the rest of your incredible biography is also bullsh! t.
Wow what amazing talent you have Sir, . You heaved emotions from the deapest part of your mind and created a great Master Piece..
nice poems. you are great in showing feels.that shows a good improvement. i invite you to read my poems at my poets page. that is a friendly invitation
Introducing myself, Daniel J. Brick, of Minnesota, USA to Emmanuel George Cefai: Greetings, good sir, I discovered your poems recently as I was browsing in search of a true poet, whose poetry would animate both the night and my mind. And Voila I found your magnificent poem on the symbolic barge representing our common human fate in measured lines of stately rhythms and evocative images. I felt immediately at home in the world of your poem; I think I read it three times before I went to others. Everything I have read by you in the following days and nights has confirmed my first impression: You are a true poet which means besides individual poems of the highest quality, your writing conveys that special grace and depth that make lyric poetry one of our most precious human achievements. I have been keeping notes on my readings, especially of your remarkable POET SEER poems, and I will share my impressions with you very soon. Despite the physical distance which separates, I am confident we have much in common as poets and men. I want to open a dialogue with you through POEMHUNTER as we share our poems and our delight in POETRY. To be continued and amplified.