To Glory! Poem by warner keisham

To Glory!

To Glory!

Here I go again with someone's demand,
However, nothing new on this land.
Eventhough, morning comes everyday,
It is the same old morning, no one will say.

Words are already existed & known to me only few,
But, here I got an opportunity to make them new.
Yet, the sky is the same and the sun is also the same,
Still, no one has ever seen the sky and the sun as that same.

It's really difficult for me to give a name,
For our relation, no idea what's the real game.
Look at my richness, I got someone who's so special,
Of which there is no marked left between, wonder if it is the real-! ! !

I am neither your friend nor we are stranger,
Neither are we in affair, nor the so called lovers.
It is but a tremendous energy, that something unite,
The bond, which is true, pure and it's infinite.

I know that I don't know nothing about you
And never occur to me to ask more about you.
I felt inside that there is no need to be known,
Let it be whatsoever, but you're an amazing grace I can feel deep down.

Please will you explain to me,
What's going on! but don't say whatever let it be.
People might come to me in future to gather information,
What should I relate you as.., but certainly you & me will bring The - real transformation.

Written By Warner Keisham 18 July 2010

Anita Trivedi 18 July 2010

Wow what an explaination of relation And so true and pure. I was flowing with each and every word of your poem. Really very great write. Loved it.........

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