To Hell And Back Again Poem by Joshua Mccoy

To Hell And Back Again

Fall down into a monstrous swirling black spiral of death and land face first on the jagged rocks below…
Rise to your feet and outrun the brigade of ravenous gigantic three headed hounds of hell, oozing down blood from their gnarled fangs and glaring at you from eyes of malice intent with skull and crossbones for pupils, nipping at your heels as each one takes lunge after lunge down at you with tyrannosaurus sized teeth and rapidly catch up, as you skid around a corner only to confront a dead end..
Avoid dropped bombs of poison and radioactivity from above by hell’s infinite army of winged imps and sniper demons as they rain endless raids upon you and ensnare you within a glowing ring of fire from their relentless attacks, burying you in a coffin of searing hot blaze…
As the flames seek to charcoal your skin to ash and the immense heat makes you sweat, you stumble backwards into something hard and jagged like a climbing rock wall overflowing with blood. Fearfully you cautiously turn your head to take in a glimpse of the gargantuan king himself before catching a blunt blow to the side of the head by his, now dripping red, spiked iron club. Twelve times bigger than your body and coming down from the heavens for another strike, you barrel roll to the left and dodge the full frontal force but the ground shattering aftershock of the crater foaming blow knocks you off your feet over a steep cliff and become immediately swallowed by a deep chasm…
You plunge head first into suffocating darkness and bone chilling air while it begins to sink deep into your flesh and freeze your blood to a standstill and engulf you from the inside out…
Drained of every ounce of warmth, your body begins to crystallize and turn into pure ice starting slowly from your feet and creep up your neck and cover half of your head. With your final breath, you say a prayer of forgiveness and a shadow with wings swoops down to snatch you as an eighty pound block of ice smashes into the ground like a thousand mirrors and shatter into billions of tiny shards upon impact…

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