To My Soulmates Poem by Whimsy Lou

To My Soulmates

To my soulmates old and new, my spark of life runs rampant within you.
Stale cigarettes, whiskey bottles, music everywhere and that led me to clean, fresh air.
I breathed. Deep. Organic Atmosphere. Bathing in whistling winds, crisp, cathartic peace.
A kiss was layed upon my crimson lips. Lips that wrapped so delicately, enigmatically.
I was elegantly devoured, blissfully enamoured, tragically convicted to parasidic tendencies.
Expectations smothers and walls you in.
Break free and begin again.
I've missed you all, one way or another.
Quiet comforts on your couch, teaching, leading, art on your shelf.
Your quixotic energy dismantling my world. The sadness depicted on your sleeve. Oh my dear, I know this only too well. To live a life, half in-half out.
I left you in my heart-shaped hand, a smirk running across your lips as I'm sure you hurt deep down inside. The saddest man to know so much, test yourself and bewitch your art.
Waking up next to your sleeping face, thoughts on your beauty engulfing my swelling heart.
I loved you the most, this you knew. I truly thought you were the one. Our time ran out and the veil was finally pulled free from my eyes. I saw your true colours. Komodo dragon-the ugliest one.
I took a picture of you while you rested. It's dark and dim, but I keep it anyway.
The lingering smell of chlorine on your skin. I'll remember this always.
We laughed and talked, just as we once did. But the life in your eyes had rotted away and the mechanics of a human body suffices you in every way. Surely, I thought, the ladybugs would enchant your heart again but alas, the robot in you has taken over. My little terminator.
And it hurts, does it ever. To see but to never be apart of a life in which I dreamed with you all.
But in my soulmates, I found myself. Pieces anyways, sticking together as puzzles do.
Abstract, intact and erratically askew.
There's the comfort in knowing exactly what I am to do.
And so begin the next quartet.
It's heaven sent.

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