To Unity Bears Strength Poem by Kevin Kappler

To Unity Bears Strength

Rating: 2.5

To Unity Bears Pain
Souls of Hot and cold
Conflicting with tornados
debris of corruption and suffering cleared away to clearways
Rocky roads repaved with stronger ideals
Ingredients of such concrete and pure and selfless logic
Which shall endure the wear of traffic of individuality
Overall times.
The strings controlling the society
as puppetmasters of corrupt leaders have now been cut.
Out with the old and in with the new.
Sometimes is out with the new and in with the old.
Lifting the burdens off one another's backs through charitable support
can be painful at its start
however, it becomes light and sweet
Like aged wine in future times
Growing as flowers in the same garden of Human Existence
Equal and Cheerful as a World without divisions
Of separate gardens that cost more from souls funds than building just the one
portion of land
instead of becoming the separated and hateful separated few.
Intelligence comes from knowledge and the strength to be open to learn new ways and tools
In which to fix life
As it has been decaying from these conflicts and selfish empowerments
That has wrecked the society as a machine.
Newer times
Newer Leaders
Kindly and selflessly added new parts to make the systems work
The life support of many
Instead of a quick breath of the few
It takes the release from the shackles of fearing things we don't understand
or learn how to understand
and the stubbornness to expose ourselves to diverse viewpoints
that bring flavor to this bland and poisonous world
Now, we have a gift...
The fresh new start of fresh opportunities
fresh and newer logical ways in which to flourish and
invent a more advanced future
for our society, as human beings, and as a world.

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: country,social injustice,unity
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