Together Apart Poem by NAYYAR SHABBIR AHMAD

Together Apart

We stood side by side on the courtroom steps
and, breathed a huge sigh of relief
The punishing year of untold grief
was finally over

We had got our decree absolute
And I was resolute in my determination
that my life was going to change dramatically
for the better

I had made a brief mistake
I had admitted it
very publicly
But all that was now firmly behind me
and my life was going to be rectified

Today was the first day of the rest of my life
Instead of a Mrs. I was finally back to being a Ms.
It felt great

My ex and I shook hands politely
wished each other well
then I went my way and he went his

At first my new lifestyle
took some adjusting to
But, what I appreciated the most
was being on my own
and completely free

Free of the endless bickering and fighting
Free of the misery and doubt
Free of solicitors and caretakers
Free of busybodies
Free of -
In short

Life moved on
and, one fine day
I acquired a new partner

I’m glad to say
We’re very happy together

So did he
my ex - I mean
acquire a new partner

He seems extremely happy too
I was genuinely relieved
that things were finally looking up
for both him and me

I met him briefly at a party the other night
We were polite to each other
and even exchanged a few niceties

When he was leaving
I looked after him
With an unfamiliar twinge
And wondered
not for the first time
What life would have been like
had we stayed together...?

I’ll never know –
will I....?

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