Tonight's A Great Night Poem by Francis Duggan

Tonight's A Great Night

Tonight's a great night it is raining the first heavy rains of the Fall
The first heavy rains since last Winter the farmers rejoice one and all
The drought it may well not be over but 'tis good to hear the patter of the rain
Falling on the galvanize iron and gurgling down the shoot to the drain,
The town's water reservoir close to empty tonight's rain will help in some way
To slightly ease the water restrictions that we have known for many a day
For each dropp of rain it is welcome for months it has been sunny, windy, warm and dry
We've not had a decent day or night's rainfall since last year in early July,
The sound of the rain on the galvanize iron is so very welcome to hear
Since weather records were first taken this is by far the driest year
But tonight lets be happy 'tis raining and tonight we will drink to the rain
If it did not stop raining for a week about that we would not complain,
Tonight is a great night it is raining the dark clouds are letting it down
And the water tanks getting a small boost in the backyards all over the town.

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