Triple Whammy Poem by Pleasant Dabbs

Triple Whammy

Amyloidosis was enough,
Don't know the word? Look it up!
Next, a sharp pain in the side,
A finish nail was being hammered,
With each breath he hammered harder.
And then it stuck. Each breath
Confirmed that he was a close friend,
He went with me wherever I went.
We were ‘bosom buddies'
Side by side...Glued to my ribs.
A Gorilla Glue success.
Two dear friends never to part.
A fatal decision had to be made.
Sadly for him this was total separation.
We would have to say farewell. If not
He would cause my fatal(ity) .
His last name...‘Colt'...
Too much time in the sun
His skin was all red. Nicknamed ‘Blood Colt'.
I told my friend about my buddy ‘Blood'.
He pressed me to take
The 3rd grade spelling test again,
Then repeated the words
‘Blood Clot ‘... ‘Blood Clot'
Strange name for a man
Strange name for a horse
But not a strange name
For the pain in the side.
Two weeks in the hospital
And I thinned blood colt...
He was too chubby.
Released from prison,
Called my wife to pick me up
She answered then asked
How I was, I couldn't muster
The breath to answer.
Breathe deeper, breathe deeper,
Whisper louder, whisper louder.
Returned to the hospital
This time an x-ray
Doc looked at the lungs and asked
How many packs of cigarettes a day?
How many? Made a zero with my fingers
Lots of empty sacs floating in there, he said.
"Him Fizz He Ma, Him Fizz He Ma"
He doesn't fizz
And my ma is a she
I didn't understand
What he was saying
His police friend would help
There was Cop A, Cop B, Cop C
His friend? COP D; a nagging cop
He always hung around
Nowhere else to go
He loved his job
He hung out with his buddies
At ‘The Pleuras' a fancy restaurant
You enter in and can never get out
They can't coax you out
They can't kick you out
So they hung out at ‘the Pleuras'.
For the rest of their lives
They were in the Pleuras.
When the Pleuras broke and failed
They broke and failed.
That was the death of The Pleuras,
My buddy and me.
The Triple Whammy?
Amyloidosis, Blood Colt and COPD

c aaron

Triple Whammy
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: sickness
Got sick with three ilnesses at once, amyloidosis, COPD, and blood clots.
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