True Riches: A Question Of Value Poem by Hanny Gompana

True Riches: A Question Of Value

What is prosperity but a glittering mirage,
a promise of abundance that tempts us to chase after fleeting wealth?

Does the word of God, in its ancient wisdom, merely echo with the promise of riches,
or does it offer something more profound?

Can we truly equate divine blessing with material gain,
or is there a deeper truth hidden within?

Consider the life of a man of God.
Is it merely a story of financial success and opulence, or does it speak of something far more significant?

Is it not written that obedience, discipline, love, and the essence of life itself are the true markers of spiritual fulfillment?

How can we claim to understand prosperity if we overlook these foundational values?

Why, then, do so many preachers today seem fixated on prosperity as the ultimate sign of divine favor?

Are we to believe that the church's vitality is measured by the luxury of its carpets and the wealth of its members?

Is this really the path to true blessing, or have we been misled by the superficial gleam of material wealth?

Is it possible that true prosperity is not found in the accumulation of riches but in the richness of character and faith?

Can we not find a deeper, more enduring form of wealth in a life guided by obedience, love, and spiritual discipline?

The true riches are not just in the abundance we can see but in the virtues that shape our hearts and lives.

Are we prepared to embrace this richer truth? ? ?

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