Unborn Poem by Kris Rayagiri


The moon is bright and glowing like never before.

"Her" thoughts conflicted and confused.
Her nerves, never this agitated - a faint shrill in her ears, the calenture her body felt is an effect of her dark, confused mental state.

Trying to deny the reality that was foreboded by the unfathomable depths of sorrow and fright.
The sorrow and fright she felt,
made her question faith.
She felt helpless and was yearning for the slightest hope to hold onto.
Never should anyone have this plight, this horrible unforgiving circumstance of a scythe.
Through the pain and darkness, through the undeniable truth and horror. She went on to face the world of killers, looters, haters, and stealers.
Evil hiding in the shadows of good.
reality masquerading and misunderstood.
She went on to be part of life,
a part everyone has to play.

whispers and voices
intuitions and inhibitions
Everyone has an opinion on your case
on a life and circumstance that they dare not face.
rekindling the light within
she went on to be part of life
a part everyone has to play.
A part everyone has to play
life and future, a mould of clay
fired and beat, molded to be made
into something of value and worth.

life is shale
laminae of memories and emotions
relations held onto and mistakes we can't undo
life is shale
which can be built
burying the past in the deep within

a choice needs to be made
rekindling the fire within
She went on to face the world of killers, looters, haters, and stealers.
for her little hope of joy,
to protect and provide
to live and learn
by his side!

she went on to be part of his life
a part she wants to play.

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