Unforeseen Meeting! Poem by MBJ Pancras

Unforeseen Meeting!

Where did you come from? I don't know,
All the way we were on different way,
Time had ridden on manifesting varied forms.
Who wert thou? Never was I aware!
When didst thou come on earth? Never was I said!
Seas were rolling with their tides; oceans, with their notes,
Thou heardst their voices; I too; but we couldn't hear our voices.
Flowers were blooming with nectar for honey bees;
Storms and breezes hurt and hugged the life on earth;
Yet, we witnessed and felt them away from each other.
How didst thou grow? And how didst I grow? None knew it!

Distant regions we crossed on different directions,
Sure we were not on the similar ways, yet we marched on.
Years rolled on; moments fled; experiences differed,
Yet, the life for all is the same on earth to live.

The day hath been born, and the puzzle been answered.
Thou hast begun to explore thy past unto me:
Thou art a soul of a pastoral soil, dreamt beneath shady trees,
Thou hast drunk the milk of the rural cows,
All thy life reared in the tender soil beside the garden snail.

I know now where thou hast come from, all with thy utterance,
Who art thou, thou art revealed, and I know who thou art.
When thou wert born, thy experience hath answered it.
Years after years thou art known unto me,
And I studied thee with thy words and deeds,
I refined my mind to learn of thee more and more.
Thou hast opened the way with thy humble act of reverence,
I've asked my Poetry what I can do further,
And I've been answered to embellish my domain of poetry with thee.

I've begun the act of embellishing my province of verses,
And thou hast been one among the paintings versified lasting to remember.
Leaves of thy portraits may run ‘cross my domain,
And thou shalt marvel at watching thine with my sense.

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration
Story of me and the girl meeting unexpectedly after many years!
MBJ Pancras

MBJ Pancras

Chennai Tamil Nadu India
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