Walk Away Poem by Ghazala Lari

Walk Away

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than fall a prey to vain desires

And letting my soul to corrupt

Under the devil's gate

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than avenging the enemies stray

Won't ever let my hands be drenched

In the filthy blood of those gone astray

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than getting into useless arguments

That brings nothing but animosity

Creating ugliness in heart's of everybody

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than let my feelings be butchered ever day

By people who are unkind and ruthless

In their very words and in every day actions

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than damage my self respect and self esteem

By the hands of the jealous folks

who do nothing but envy

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than lower my moral standards

Inorder to please wicked people

Who wish to rule other people

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than giving up my freedom to live

as and how I want

Falling into bondage of devil's friends

I'd rather choose to walk away

From every evil and wickedness that sways

In the world of today

That has turned people's goodness into meanness

I'd rather choose to walk away

Than falling into the hands of wrong people

Who have nothing but hatred and bitterness

Against Allah/God and His obedient servants

I'd choose to walk away

And I've already walked away from sorrows and failures

Building myself eternal peace

Living in divine comfort and ease

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