Want Peace Poem by Amadeldin Mohamed

Want Peace

I need a place where I can relax
Just like every child that meant to survive
The gun shots are making me deaf
The dead bodies bring nightmares to my sleep
I born in war so, I meant to pay the price
I did not do a thing at all, why I should stigmatized
Lost my childhood friend at the age 14
He tried hard to make to 18
So, why a young girl like Zahra get raped and killed at 10
Her friend survived but still feels the pain
She now had baby girl and she is only 15
She won’t live long because she has a HIV
Never been her mistake now her daughter has to replace her
Because she will likely end up in the streets just like her mother
Couldn’t understand this bullshit, anyone to explain
A war of interests or a trick of politics
We lost our families, still there’s social injustice
We heading to death they say there where we rest
I don’t believe so, why should I have to live after death
The earth wasn’t ready for me so why I was created
I never smiled, always crying over losing friends
Our live is stolen from our birth
But I won’t give up till I lose my last berth

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