Warm And Charm poetry Play For Two Personages Poem by ELENA SHLAFERMAN ELENA SHLAFERMAN

Warm And Charm poetry Play For Two Personages


We're all Warm blooded,
but man are warmer. Males typically have more heat generating muscle and a higher metabolism so more heat is generated.
But even when body composition and activity are factored in, ladies are still 3 to 10 percent cooler than men.
Charm a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty.
Charm to cast a magic spell on/to protect, influence,
supposedly by magic.

Warm: I greet you easy Charm
Whenever you will be?
I am are by life as warm
was born on earth so free.
In golden waiting morning
I can to be so cold,
but my old never dreaming
are faithful and I hold
the many beauty, tender,
the full time understand,
I do not will surrender
to you, to your small hand.
I greet you Warm, so easy
whenever I'm was born
for all my life, don't icy,
and many chances won.
So that I'm harmed flowers,
the woods at summer days
it can to say all others
who now to stay on places.
It been so fresh and loved
when goes to flash the earth,
my heart been so enjoined,
the might had second breath.
Warm: If you are very charming
it good for seasons life,
so that the sun don't burning,
and earth and people alives.
Charm: And yes, it are so quickly,
one moment and all is here -
the big long lake with dirty
and I with thoughts there.
Warm: But what you will to know?
The past old days or more,
you search a transparent flow
and love that been before?
Charm: I understand this question
if you can be so near
then goes imaginations,
and don't for more the tears.
Warm: Yes, very well, so charmed,
your beauty blossom now,
to soon and earth burned
from my warm, need to cool.
I greet you, easy Charm,
I'm never been as friend,
I go to my aim
time of our meet to end.
Charm: I greet you Warm, my darling,
it time to go to rest,
the heart are light and burning
and hope goes through the breast.
I'm do not effective,
I only Charm, don't more,
will blossom as active
one big and living flower.
Together Warm and Charm:
With our big tendency
we need audience,
we both in time of life,
we both will be, alive.

Poetry Play
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