Waters Of Madness Poem by The Poet Darkling

Waters Of Madness

Remember that pretty hill near our home
Where we had our first little lover's tryst?
You seduced me there with your poetry
Ran your fingers through my hair while we kissed

The waters of madness flow freely there
Enticing this lonely lover to drink
Strangely compelled, I kneel down at its banks
I satiate my thirst, then sit and think

Thinking back, trying to recall a time
When I still held onto my sanity
Trying to remember those carefree days
Before love turned into profanity

I came here today to feel close to you
Trying to relive all those happy times
But happiness eludes me, as does love
Just remembering our passionate crimes

In the dark, banging my head on the ground
Trying to shake off this numbness I feel
I pick up the razor and cut my flesh
Am I dreaming or is it really real?

The seasons change, the air grows cold and still
The wind whispers to me, but its all lies
God paints his colors on the lonely hill
I look to you, see the truth in your eyes

But its not the truth I wanted to see
Instead, it's the truth I feared all along
I have drunk from the waters of madness
Everything that once was right is now wrong

The leaves change, then fall and winter is here
But the winter's not as cold as my soul
I continue to cut and I bleed out
It ends where it started on our old knoll

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