, Waylaid By The Mermaids Poem by Louise Tredoux

, Waylaid By The Mermaids

Rating: 2.9

when you’re back, I’ll sing you a song,
when you’re back, I’ll write you a poem,
when you’re back, I’ll listen to your voice,
when you’re back, I’ stare into your eyes -
bask in the sun of your being, dance with
delight, but first

I’ll cry, for myself, for having waited so long,
for the time lost without you, cry for the joy of
having you back, then I’ll smile, run and jump
and shout in delight, chase you around; terrorize
you for the sheer joy of having you back, I’ll follow
you around like a little dog

Overwhelmed by the privilege of having you part of
my life, right now you are in my heart only, but when
you’re back, you’ll be in front of me and I’ll glory in the
magnificence of your presence - when you’re back –
but now I’ll cry for still missing your face outside my
mind, first I’ll let go of the tears

Because you aren’t here - then I’ll start composing a
welcoming poem for the beloved of my heart who left on
an Odyssey and has been detained by the Cyclops and
waylaid by the mermaids and who knows what else besides…

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