We All Fall Down Poem by Steve Wheeler

We All Fall Down

The disco Rollarena
down by the yacht marina
was a human melodrama
I wish I'd brought me camera
to capture all the clamour
We'd skate around in circles
‘til we all fell down

I'd pretend I couldn't skate,
chat up girls and stay out late
My knee pads simply bait
as I fixed meself a date
‘Cos the future wouldn't wait
then my head would spin in circles
as the world fell down

To our Sony Walkman beats
we'd go skating through the streets
cruising pavements and concrete
on those roller blades of heat
that destroyed our bleeding feet
as we skated cross the cobbles
‘til we all fell down

In the Eighties skater creed
we would feel the need for speed
crashing down so hard we'd bleed
get back up and not concede
keep it rolling, feed the need
Skating over potholes
made us all fall down

© Steve Wheeler 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: urban,youth,Culture
This poem is taken from the collection Urban Voices (2020) by Steve Wheeler. The poem is intended as a performance piece. It is a snapshot of the memories of my youth where we would constantly be out on our rollerskates, street skating and visiting all of the roller rinks to show off our skills, and perhaps catch the eye of a young lady or two. We took a lot of risks, sustained a few injuries, and had a lot of fun.
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