What A Best Friend Is Suppose To Be Poem by Olivia Teaylor

What A Best Friend Is Suppose To Be

It is not normal when you hear a child say
That their best friend is their grandmother.
You would always think that their best friend
Would be some little kid from down the street.
But no, not this little girl,
Her best friend was her grandmother.

She loved no-one more than she loved her.
Ever since she was born, her grandma was there.
But now, that little girl is 15
And she is watching her best friend die.
She never thought this day would come!
Best friends are supposed to grow old together!
You're not supposed to have to watch your best friend die!

They had fought her cancer once and won,
But this time, her cancer would defeat her
And take everything she ever knew with it!
They had no clue what was in store for them.
That their little perfect world was going to go crashing down,
In just a blink of an eye!

But sometimes, that is just what happens!
There is nothing you can do about it either.
So in the end, that little girl had to suck up her pain
And kiss her best friend good-bye,
For what would seem to her forever!
They would meet once again in heaven,
But for now, they had to say good-bye.

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