What Do You Do Poem by cynthia Routen

What Do You Do

he's slipping away from me
falling into the dark. He's gone
cold to me as i'm not around.
although he holds me i swear
he wishes i were her. i can't
take this but i wont give in how did this happen, i
i just can't lose him and watch thought we were fine? i
him walk away but i'm not sure guess he didn't like being
i have the strength to make him called mine. he's going
want to stay. what do you do when numb now like he's not
you feel like the person you love even here but i'm sure if it
doesn't love you? what would you were her in his arms he'd
say to the person to make him want be glad he was there. i
to stay? what do you do? wont break down, i wont
even cry, but if he walks
out on me i swear i just
might die. i'm not as
strong as i once was i
know thats the truth and to
be honest one more kiss
might break my heart.
what do you do when the
person you love loves
another girl, not you? what
do you say to make them
not walk away? what
would it take to make that
person see that all that
pain isn't how love is
supposed to be? what do
you do?

cynthia Routen

cynthia Routen

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