What Happened Here... Poem by bob barci

What Happened Here...

What happened here?
It just doesn’t seem to be my day.
Had an appointment
to go and fill out a job application
at a luncheonette, the next town over.
I get there,
only to find out
that they don’t know who or why
I was told to come in,
but they want a waiTRESS,
not a waiTER.
They wouldn’t even consider me.
I went home peeved.
Once there,
I found a message on my answering machine.
A person who didn’t speak English clearly
said that it was Rock Bottoms in town,
and that they needed people to work there in the morning,
so, if I were interested I should see the manager the following morning.
I was more than curious by the call
cause the caller also said that I’d have a good chance
of getting the job since I worked there once before.
I know darn well that I haven’t.
Well, I went in anyway, just to find out
where they got that information.
They were curious too,
as no one there made the call
and any application I may have made in the past
was discarded in 3 months.
Maybe someone up there likes me,
cause not only did I get to fill out a new application,
but the manager gave me an interview right there on the spot.
By the end of it all,
I wasn’t thrilled with the pay I’d get,
or the fact that I’d have to work the hours they’d pick for me.
But, I need a job and can’t be picky.
On the way home,
the sky darkened -
it thundered -
numerous streaks of lightening flashed across the sky.
I rushed home in order to sit on the porch and watch it rain.
But, by the time I got there,
the sun had come out and it cleared up.
Had another appointment
about an office assistant job.
This one was right here in town.
This time, I called to confirm the appointment
and to say I was on my way.
They told me not to bother
cause second thoughts told them
they didn’t want to have to train someone
who never worked in an office or with computers.
Ticked off again -
I stormed out to the porch
with intentions of smashing the broken brick on the steps.
I got out there only to discover
I had missed a sun shower.
I felt much better
when I took out and vented my day’s annoyance
by finding a snail in the garden
and crushing it beneath my foot.

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