What Happened To Me Poem by Donna Saphier

What Happened To Me

I used to be so happy
Seems like many years ago
Out and about everyday
Always some place to go
My friends thought I was crazy
I was, I must agree
Game for a laugh all the time
'Yes' that sure was me
I've made mistakes, like we all do
Virtually, most of the time
I could be a normal girl
I thought the world was mine
Party-time almost every night
I thought I was the best
Stayed out nearly every night
I didn't stop to rest
Always center of attention
All the eyes on me
But I was still a nice girl
I was lead so easily
Lots of drinking in those days
And lots of late, late nights
Thought I knew most everything
But off more than I could bite
Now I'm older, I can't move
My body's in so much pain
I know now that my body is ruined
And will never be the same
I can hardly stand or walk to far
The pain is so intense
I can't believe I caused all this
And at my own expense
Drinking, smoking, lifestyle
All these things I've done
I never thought all these things
Would have such an outcome
The pain is never ending
My body's oh so sore
I'm absolutely knackered
At the age of forty four.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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