What If You Wonder? Poem by Kristina Rose32

What If You Wonder?

Rating: 5.0

What if I get out of high school 2002
what if I go to college
What if while in high when am i
going to talk to that boy or girl
I like?

What if I get made fun of
When will I get to go to that
special someone to prom?
What if I get my first kiss in
high school?

What if I can't kiss or like the kiss?
What if you go out with wrong
boy or girl in school to find out
the one did like really did like you
but there friend might said something
to that friend?

Then wonder if you date the guy or girl
you really like you might not been friends
with them still, ,

What if finally I get married to soulmate how
would make you feel?
What if your spouses family doesn't like
What if you wonder what did I do to your
spouses family to make them not like you?

What if you loose you know was best
friend or family how do you get over
when you two was best friends
What if that best friend said she been
wanting to stop being your friend for
while but they didn't want hurt you?

What if after all you went threw best
friend all stuff and was there for them
they turn out be a fake friend for so long
and never seen it coming?

What If your ex friend was there like your
husband is for you when mom died?

What if your husband or wife still there?
What if you have hard time getting close
to others after what best friend did to you
but only ones do stay close to ones are
in your life now.

What if you wish go back some where
wish never move back to your hometown?
What if you if didn't come back you never
got meet more family of yours in your life

What if that what makes sense to you
more then it ever has before?
What if you say thank Jesus
for opening my eyes up about that
ex friend of yours and others that
was toxic in your life and he got them
to stop talking to you?

What if after so long you got back in touch
with friend who was friends since was 12 years
old then makes see who was real sister and best
friend growing up it just took something bad to
happen that you only wish it didn't have to
happen like that, ,

What if your best friend since was 12 years
lost her husband and you don't know what
to do other then be there for her?

I do what if all the time and I never get why we just stop what if to everything even
I do that stuff but I know Jesus taking care of her husband and everyone
who in heaven with Jesus right now and we see them again some day.

Written by Kristina Riggs
date Feb 16 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: drama,thinking,wondering,questions
I did this all my life what if this or that or just wonder but I been letting Jesus take care of all because you might have brain but all that wondering and stressing going make end in hosptial or worse.
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