What Is True Love Poem by Mary Rodriguez

What Is True Love

They say life has no limits; we need to seize the day
So many obstacles befall us; as we try to find our way
We learn from life's lessons; heed good advice
It seems to go the distance; we need to pay the price
The journeys full of highs and lows; a series of hard choices
If you listen closely; you'll hear the guidance in loved ones voices
I know this path you travel; I've walked here before
Even in your darkest hour; know you're worth so much more
We've all been damaged and scarred; from hurts along the way
All we can do is trust good things are ahead; tomorrow's a brand new day
Sometimes with one step forward; we fall two steps back
Keep pushing onward; it won't always be like that
I've walked my own mine field of shattered dreams
Things have a way of working out; it's not always as bad as it seems
Brighter days are ahead; your happiness it's time to reclaim
Our mind is our own worst enemy; it can smother that internal flame
I see your inner strength; it shines bright in your eyes
You've accomplished so many things in life; to me you're very wise
I wish you could see what I do; you're perfect just as you are
The pride I feel when I look at you; you've come so very far
You're worth so much more than you realize
All your answers are here in my eyes
Everything you are; is all that I need
Every single part; is who you're meant to be
You inspire those around you; with your confidence and grace
Give hope and peace to others; with just the smile on your face
When you need time to cope and have to step away
Our bond is unconditional and strong; don't worry, I'm here to stay
Let my love comfort and soothe you and bring you back
Your way is never lost; I'll help you stay on track
You truly do have an amazing heart
Thank you for trusting me from the start

Sunday, June 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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