When Poem by Archie Roberts



When you can face the day with your heart filled and others around you seem to lose theirs,
When you can walk proudly and gracefully when others seem to misstep or fall,
When you can still smell the lingering smell of that perfume you love so well among the world and its many different smells,
When you trust for no other reason,
When your eyes see as mirrors and the reflection going is as good as the one coming back,
When you can see not just the outside but the soul,
When you desire grace rather than glory
When your steps and your direction are not limited or influenced by those whom have ulterior motives,
When wrong choices are a beckon and right choices are a guiding light,
When your walk is not alone, but with His presence and His lead. You look forward to walking your path everyday,
When you see what others cannot see,
When your words come not just from your mouth but from your heart,
When you can hold hands with that special person and tremble with excitement from top to bottom,
When anger has left you and joy has entered you,
When your heart and mind are open and you don’t hold grudges and don’t allow judgments to close you,
When you can give without receiving, listen without talking, do when you can do, go when you can go, drink without asking what,
When you are the least,
When your love transcends things of this world,
When your desires for that special person is not about wants,
When out of the millions of people to choose from, you have trust that His choice will be right the first time,
When your marriage or relationship hits rough times and you take your hands off the controls,
When you realize that the partner you are mad at is really you because the two shall be joined as one,
When you see your kids doing things that you remember you did and you wonder how they learned it,
When you cannot wait to get home,
When you hold hands and your eyes water,
When you touch her inadvertently, every time you walk by,
When you think before you speak,
When the loves of your life do not have Mercedes, Ranch style or cash in their names,
When you feel her pain and forget yours
When you can dropp to your knees for others,
When you become as He
When you lead without doubt, follow without ego,
Then, you are God’s child, His grace and His glory surrounds you and you are ready for His Kingdom.

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