When Age Turns The Page Poem by Marie Griffin

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Marie Griffin

Marie Griffin

Cape Charles, Virginia, USA

When Age Turns The Page

Aging is a process that each of us must go through.
The orderly progression of stages will certainly come due.
Whether it's childhood, adolescence, adulthood- young or old
Turning the pages of life are not within our control.
The expectations of each stage are pretty generally known.
At least, the criticisms are not unduly overblown.
With patience and acceptance, we take the first three stages in stride.
The succeses we take pride in and the failures we attempt to hide.
It's the final stage labeled Old Age that gets some folks in a rage.
They would like to turn the clock back and repeat an earlier stage.
Hardly any of us want to accept the fact that is the last page.
However, when the facts are out, there's no need to degrade old age.
When our hair is turning silver and our eyes are growing dim
Our chances of becoming young again are getting mighty slim.
Any efforts we attempt to hide these obvious facts,
Other body parts are yelling, "You didn't see that act!"
In moments of desperation, our search for youth may include
Plastic surgery, alternative medicine, and even quackery-though crude.
Some of these may be detrimental and only make things worse.
Instead of them becoming a blessing, they may end up being a curse.
Diets of every description are recommended to keep us old folks thin
So that our middle will not cramp us when we attempt to bend.
All kinds of exercises are suggested to make us straight and lean.
Leaving it to the experts, we'd be shaped like a string bean.
Cosmetic specialists who study problems of old age skin
Experiment with products to change the Now face to what it's been.
Many of the preparations deliver some of what they say,
But, once the make-up wears off, we look the same way.
Fashion designers do their very bst to forget we're here,
Even though our growing numbers are known all over this hemisphere.
When we need new apparel and have the money, too,
Our search for proper clothing leaves us baffled-not knowing what to do.
Considering all the problems senior citizens must face,
No wonder we don't always view this final page as an ace.
We appreciate all of the research and efforts of those who claim to know,
But, the youthful person we long to become just doesn't show.
Man's cycle of existence occurs acording to the Master's will,
His order cannot be altered. His plan we must fulfill.
When age turns the page, we have to accept the fact
That conditions will change our daily lives and fashion our every act.

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Marie Griffin

Marie Griffin

Cape Charles, Virginia, USA
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