When The Fires Came, A Poem For Notre Dame Cathedral Poem by Jenny Kalahar

When The Fires Came, A Poem For Notre Dame Cathedral

Rating: 5.0

When the fires came
lighting up a city known for lights of beauty
terrorizing history in flames
billowing with smoke not made in heaven
we joined arms and bowed our heads in prayer
and raised our voices there
where the heat dried up our tears
Oh, when the fires came

And suddenly
from photos of the past
we could see what was being taken
from the future's faithful masses,
the searing inferno's ashes
were burning up what we were shown.
Yesterday's mementos
changed to documents of what had been
and when the fires came
those blessed artifacts would all be never more
never more …
when the fires came

Monday, April 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: fire,loss
Dr Antony Theodore 18 April 2019

Yesterday's mementos changed to documents of what had been and when the fires came those blessed artifacts would all be never more never more … when the fires came.We all shuddered as we heard about the fire in Paris. you have presented it in a very touching manner dear poetess. thank u. tony

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Jenny Kalahar 12 July 2019

Thank you, Tony! - Jenny

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Jenny Kalahar

Jenny Kalahar

Washington, USA
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