When Will This Hardship End? Poem by Julia Pascual

When Will This Hardship End?

When Will This Hardship End?

It started when I was a child
Then it continued to grow
This feeling inside of me
It's really hard to show

As I grow up your bad side shows
I really hate it when you scold
It seems like you hate everything
It seems like everything is wrong

I'm always the wrong one
And you're always right
Even if I can reason out
You always shut me up

Why do I need to bear this always?
I have had enough already
Well I know I can always reject you
But why can't I do it to you?

Maybe because you're special to me
Even though I hate you so much
I feel that we have a connection
Though at times I wish you would die

It's really hard to deny the truth
That you have a space in my heart
Even if that space is really small
It doesn't change the fact that you matter

So I think I'll just have to be patient
I'll try my best to be perfect for you
But still I can't stop questioning,
When will this hardship end?

Michael Nkwocha 10 March 2009

really good writing, sometimes we all wonder when our hardships would end. nie piece Julia

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