When You Become A Poet Poem by Liza Sud

When You Become A Poet

Rating: 3.5

Poetry - is the child of all the helpless,
poetry is their eternal bride,
and only God - flower disclosed there,
an all-powerful agent or a drug.

You think, Poet - the teacher of the nation?
But the nation - is never teachable!
It may be loved, enlightened for salvation-
and not by foreigners, but just by aborigenes.

The nation, after all, - a bigger vessel,
and just more light into it you may pour
the more bitter and the more acerbated
you live, humiliating your ego.

But no, the nation is not learning words,
but it is taught only by holy deeds,
and only then, painting it for long term -
then you become a poet in history.


Поэзия - дитя беспомощных,
поэзия - их вечная невеста,
и только Бог - цветок, раскрытый в них,
всесильное лекарство или средство.

Поэт, по-твоему, - учитель нации?
Но нация - не обучаема!
Она любима, просвещаема -
причем своими, а не иностранцами.

Ведь нация - сосуд лишь больший,
и только больше в нее света
прольется, если горше
прожить, унизив свое эго.

Но нет, она не учится словами,
а только в святости делами,
и лишь потом, живописуя это, -
в истории становятся поэтом.

Sunday, June 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poet
Daniel Brick 06 June 2016

The American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1840s) would embrace your poem with your thoughts about poetry and your nation. He wrote an essay called THE POET in which he prophecied a poet would come to express the new nation's highest values. Many people (including me!) consider Walt Whitman that poet. But for Russia you seem to be saying a poet cannot be THE TEACHER OF THE NATION - Is that because people don't accept him, or is the poet incapable of performing the HOLY DEEDS you cite? We also live in a world of prose that doesn't read poetry, so the poet-teacher can't reach anyone. But are Russians today still readers of their nation's poets? I hope so. Joseph Brodsky was troubled by this lack of reading poetry when he was the U.S. Poet Laureate. He travelled across America celebrating AMERICAN poets! in readings and forums.

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